Czarny availability
Niemen availability
Dostępność Swobody

If your preferred dates are busy - please contact us anyway. We may be able to help.
Houseboats price list
2024 |
30/04-24/05 |
25/05-31/08 |
01/09-15/10 |
1 day | 500 | only full weeks | 500 |
1 week (another day) |
2900 (300) |
3900 | 2900 (300) |
2 weeks (another day) |
4900 (300) |
6900 |
4900 (300) |
Attention – special low season packages
Time range |
Price 09/2024 |
Price 05/2024 & 10/2024 |
Package weekend plus |
Thursday 17:00 - Sunday 17:00 |
2000 | 1600 |
Package standard |
Sunday 19:00 - Thursday 14:00 |
1800 | 1400 |
Price in PLN.
Surcharge for short charter (1-2 days) +30%
Deposit 1500
The price includes:
charter of an equipped houseboat
OC and Casco insurance
gas cylinder
hirer’s manual
technical help on route
houseboat usage and manoeuvres training
The price does not include:
clean-up (over 3 days - free of charge) 200
a pet on board 150
price for not clearing out chemical toilet 150
fuel according to usage
lock fees
port fees